Date |
Change Overview |
Your Action Needed |
December 13 New Fidelity HSA opened |
- Once your new Fidelity HSA is open, you’ll receive an email notification.
- Your new Fidelity debit card will be processed. Watch for your card to arrive in late December.
- Activate your HSA on
- Designate your HSA beneficiaries. Your HSA beneficiary elections with Optum Financial won’t carry over to Fidelity.
- Beginning December 19, you can order additional Fidelity debit cards for any covered dependents by selecting Manage Cards on the Paying tab.
January 1 2023 HSA Contribution Advance is available |
- If you elected to contribute to your HSA for 2023, your contributions will be available in your new Fidelity HSA.
- With the HSA Contribution Advance feature, you’ll have access to the entire amount you decided to contribute before it’s deducted from your paycheck.
- If you didn't elect to contribute to your HSA for 2023, you won't have funds available in your Fidelity HSA until January 5.
- Begin using your Fidelity debit card for any eligible expenses.
January 3 Blackout reminder & Optum Financial debit cards stop working |
- You’ll receive an email reminder from Fidelity about the upcoming blackout period.
- Last day to use your Optum Financial debit card.
- Properly discard your Optum Financial debit card.
January 4 Optum Financial blackout begins |
- The Optum Financial blackout period begins. During the blackout period, you’ll only have access to 2023 HSA contributions in your Fidelity HSA.
- If you seek care during the blackout period and the cost is more than your 2023 HSA balance, ask the provider/facility to bill you for the amount owed so you can pay for the care later. Or you can pay the bill with personal funds and reimburse yourself later when your full HSA balance is available after the blackout period is over.
January 5 2023 K-C contribution available |
- K-C's 2023 HSA contribution will be available in your new Fidelity HSA.*
January 20 Blackout period ends - access to the full balance |
- You’ll receive an email from Fidelity once the blackout period is over.
- Your Optum Financial HSA funds will be available in your new Fidelity HSA.
- You’ll continue to use your new Fidelity debit card for all eligible expenses.